From thermal insulation to heat supply!

In cooperation with the company “Redaco” Ltd., we have implemented the development and installation of an apartment house heating unit. This heating unit will provide the building with heat supply and hot water. It will provide energy efficiency and comfort for the residents of the newly open apartment building, in the “Cēsu Māju” quarter.
We are pleased to participate in this project and the opportunity to prove ourselves as experts in every issue related to home improvement – from the ground up to the roof!
The house has a total of 24 apartments, both two and three rooms. There is a children’s playground, a car park, and each apartment has a basement. The project, “Cēsu Māju” quarter, is implemented by Cēsis municipality, in cooperation with the company “Siguldas Būvmeistars” Ltd.
More information about this project:
“Cēsu Māju” kvartāls, Siguldas iela 3, Cēsis “Cēsu Māju” kvartāls, Siguldas iela 3, Cēsis “Cēsu Māju” kvartāls, Siguldas iela 3, Cēsis