We not only insulate, we also build!

FOTO: State Construction Control Bureau
In August, last year, “Vides Tehnika” Ltd., in cooperation with the company “Ekoteh Būve” Ltd., started roof construction works in the future “Stopiņu culture center” and now the works have been completed, but the construction of the center itself is still going on.
Our task during the construction of the roof was to assemble a natural stone slate roof covering, which, like the building itself, is in oval shape.
Such shapes have been deliberately chosen in the development of the project, because the symbol of Stopiņi region is a turtle, while the administrative and geographical boundaries from a bird’s eye view resemble the shape of a turtle.
The construction of the cultural center, located at Institūta Street 3, Ulbroka, started already in 2017 and the project developers are “AB Krasts” Ltd., but the general of construction works is “Arčers” Ltd.
The building will have two concert halls: one with 364 seats in the hall and 100 seats on the balcony, while the other hall will be able to accommodate more than 200 visitors. The center will also house a registry office with a marriage registration hall, Ulbroka Library, Stopiņi Regional History Museum and a seminar hall – “green class” and a cafe.
FOTO: State Construction Control Bureau